Google Chrome

美 [ˈɡuːɡl kroʊm]英 [ˈɡuːɡl krəʊm]
  • 网络谷歌浏览器;网页浏览器
Google ChromeGoogle Chrome
  1. Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox users may have had their entire online history siphoned and stored by third-party developers .


  2. A prominent security researcher found a popular plugin for the Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox was recording everything users did online .


  3. So far you 've used the Google Chrome browser to work through development .


  4. Google Chrome has finally fixed a huge annoyance for its users .


  5. The Google Chrome OS is expected to be in the second half of next year .


  6. Switching to an alternative Web browser like Firefox or Google Chrome is one possibility .


  7. Its Google Chrome app has nearly 30,000 users .


  8. Also , learn how to use the Heap Profiler in Google Chrome to diagnose memory issues .


  9. Add Google Chrome as the default browser


  10. In case you were wondering , the fastest web browser in the " real world " remains Google Chrome .


  11. The new OS does away with desktop applications entirely-everything you use on Google Chrome OS runs on the web .


  12. For that , it says , speed is of the essence , and Google Chrome certainly shines in this respect .


  13. In that menu , click the option " About Google Chrome . " If you need the update , it will begin automatically .


  14. A few methods convert a date to a string using locale , but they are not supported by Google Chrome as the time of writing .


  15. Each Bing search will get you three points , but this will be doubled if you 're also using Edge , Microsoft 's answer to Google Chrome .


  16. For example , Google Chrome uses templates to wrap C + + DOM nodes as JavaScript objects and to install functions in the global namespace .


  17. Most modern browsers have improved at cleaning up memory , but the available tools to evaluate your application 's memory heap are still limited & except for Google Chrome .


  18. Google Chrome defends against this subtle attack by checking the page to which the password data is submitted , once again using the same-origin policy .


  19. The date type provides a calendar picker for date selection in the Opera browser but creates a spinner in Google Chrome , as seen in Figure 3 .


  20. A recent advertisement for Google Chrome showed a series of important events in a child 's life , each one belonging to a different part of the Internet - the first steps on YouTube ;


  21. An extension is a zipped bundle of files HTML , CSS , JavaScript , images , and anything else you need that adds functionality to the Google Chrome browser .


  22. The public trial version of Google Chrome is designed to handle not just text and graphics , but also let users run applications that once worked only when installed on local PCs , Reuters reported .


  23. The first one I tried was Nanny for Google Chrome - which does for information what the Atkins or the Dukan diet did for food , by outlawing or restricting certain websites .


  24. Google 's Chrome is the browser leader , commanding a 69 % share of the market .


  25. is Google 's Chrome , which looks very much alike Internet Explorer .


  26. But first the open-source Firefox browser and then Google 's Chrome ate into IE 's market share .


  27. Best to switch on automatic updates , they said , for core services like Apple 's iOS operating system , Google 's Chrome browser and Windows .


  28. Google 's Chrome browser comes preloaded on Android devices and works on PC or Mac computers , iPads , iPhones and other devices .


  29. ( I ruled out the password keepers built into Google 's Chrome browser and Apple 's iCloud because neither works across all of my stuff . )


  30. More than half of the pages loaded by Google 's Chrome desktop browser on the web now use HTTPS -- and two-thirds of total time is spent on encrypted websites .
